Tell Us What You Like
About UpState New York!
Earlier, Earlier Submittals (#4)
The comments below are some of the "earlier, earlier"
comments submitted to our UpState New York home page. We have just
moved them from the front page to make room for more submissions. If
you have a short essay you would like us to publish, please take a few
minutes to fill out our What I
Like about UpState New York form.
- Don Brown, an Engineer with Texas Instruments in Princeton,
Texas, says:
- "I grew up in the Ithaca area and very fondly remember the many
hours spent walking railroad tracks, riding bikes to the state parks,
walking the falls at Robert H. Treman State Park (Enfield), and
exploring the many woods and creeks of the area. It was a wonderful
place to grow up in and I hope to return within the next four years. It
is such a contrast to Dallas, Texas, where I currently live and work. I
can remember being very critical about New York's strictness in dealing
with motor vehicle laws and many other aspects of every day life.
Things are approached much differently down here and I can now see how
that very strictness that I was critical of was instrumental in
preserving the very lifestyle that I miss. Upstate New York and its
wonderful people will always be in my heart and I hope to be able to
contribute to making it an even better place to live when I return. TO
ALL YOU FOLKS UP THERE -- savor what you have! I can't think of a
better place to raise your children and live your lives. Best wishes to
- Bill B. from Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia, says:
- "I miss the hills, the quiet and the friendly people. I'm
originally from Mohawk. I miss snow deep enough to go sledding and
- Aimee K. D.W., a repeat visitor from Maitland, Florida,
- "I've written before, but every time I enter this section I get
homesick, especially for the fall/winter. I do so miss the fresh
vegetables and apples. After spending 25 years in Wolcott (13 years in
Orlando), I still miss the chill during the Holidays. It definitely
helps the mood."
- John O., Jr., from Great Britain, says:
- "I went on holiday to Rochester with my Dad to visit
newly-discovered relatives. Jack and Alice showed us the sights --
loved the scenery. Niagara Falls was spectacular, the Finger Lakes (and
Bully Hill Vineyards) were memorable and their camp, out in the woods
near Corning, was great. I wish we could have stayed longer. Jack if
you get on the net, read this: 'Live long and prosper!'"
- Crow Horse, a student, says:
- "New York has mountains and white rivers which are so beautiful
that they simply could be called God's country."
- Bobby M. from Fairport, NY, says:
- "I am Bobby M. from Fairport, NY and I am 14 years old. I love
when Fairport holds the annual UpState New York Lacrosse Classic. It is
the Bomb!"
- Jessica Norton, originally from Clifton Springs, New York and
currently a college student at Bowling Green State University in Ohio,
- "After leaving home and going to an out of state college in an
area that is flat!! I love the hills, valleys and mountains of NY more
and more. The never ending countryside and the small towns are so
friendly and welcoming to newcomers it is hard to believe that there
are parts of this nation and state where violence is a problem and
people are scared to walk out their front door. I am glad I was raised
in the countryside of New York, I wouldn't trade it for anything!!"
- Guy C., a Chief, Systems Management Seminars with the Air
Force in O'Fallon, Illinois, says:
- "Probably the best is what your seeing already -- the people. I
see Darlene from Kansas and Wendy from Virginia have already posted
their feelings. UpState is much friendlier than almost anywhere else --
must be the cold winters, we become closer. True story: I was talking
with a neighbor about dairy products and how NY is a leading dairy
state -- she asked what the cows ate. She thought all of NY was
concrete, like NY City. I had to take her there, she loved it, as would
- Kwin, a high school student from Boulder, CO, says:
- "New York is a very beautiful place, especially in the fall. The
leaves are magnificent!"
-, says:
- "What a great idea! I loved the comments about Upstate NY. It
made me really homesick for that wonderful place where I grew up.
Thanks for the memories!"
- Joanna, a Foreign Exchange Trader in Washington D.C.,
- "I grew up in a suburb of Buffalo, NY and currently work and live
in Washington, D.C. I have lived here for two years and I miss the
friendly people of Western New York, the changing of the fall leaves
and New York State apples, also the snow . . . the skiing. I hope that
Buffalo will one day offer its youth many job opportunities because it
is really a wonderful place to live in the summer and winter months."
- A Former UpState NY Resident located in Port St. Lucie,
Florida, says:
- "I grew up in UpState New York, in the East Syracuse area. I miss
the East Syracuse-Minoa School District. Also the state parks, i.e.,
Greenlakes and Greenlakes Road. The green leaves and pines in the
foliage. All your lakes and streams a fisherman's and sportsman's
delight. Campsites galore all over with breath taking views. I live in
Port St. Lucie, FL now and get homesick every once in a while. And like
I always tell my new friends down here -- 'You can't beat Upstate New
York in the summer time.'"
- A Mother in Niagara Falls, retired after 30 years with the
Niagara Falls Police Department, says:
- "I grew up in Niagara Falls and spent two glorious years living
at Paul Smiths College in the Adirondacks. Saranac Lake, Lake Placid,
and the high peak areas of the Adirondacks is heaven to me. Even at 52
below zero one Christmas, I was in my heaven. Returning almost yearly,
and having been all around the country and in Europe, there is still no
place like Paul Smiths and the Adirondacks. For nature at its best; for
peace and tranquility . . . still; one must visit the Adirondacks.
Niagara Falls ain't bad either. If you're in Saranac Lake be sure to
drop in at the Dew Drop Inn. It was our hangout in the 60's and is
still there."
- Gray Deer in Arizona, says:
- "I grew up in Cold Spring. Most of my family come from the Mohawk
Nation (Akwesasne), the St. Regis Indian Reservation. I miss the
reservation. I miss green trees and lakes, steams and brooks. When I
graduate, I hope to return to NY, but financially may be stuck here for
a while. The Creator made a beautiful desert, but I must say that the
Hudson River, the Adirondacks and Akwesasne are what I yearn to see."
- Ron, a Computer Mechanic with the New York Air National Guard
located in Herkimer, NY, says:
- "I was born in Schenectady, currently reside in Herkimer and own
a summer camp in Lake George (in the Adirondacks). Baseball Hall of
Fame, Boxing Hall of Fame, Niagara Falls, Syracuse Orangemen, Great
fishing, camping, boating, (winter and summer), and the Best Pro
Football team in the NFL (BUFFALO BILLS). Spring, Summer, Fall and
Winter, we have it all."
- Jennifer, in Philadelphia, PA, says:
- "Since moving away from New York 2 years and 6 months ago, I have
missed it greatly. I am only here in Philadelphia for approximately 9
more months while my husband finishes his thesis. What I miss about
UpState NY the most is the fresh air, trees, mountains, lakes, ponds,
in general, the beautiful landscapes to look at. Besides the mountain
climbing, picnics at the park, and family get togethers. There is a
real sense of community and caring. Here in Philadelphia, we get to
look at tall buildings, sidewalks, and pavement. I'm sure everyone
envies us!"
- Lonnie from Mountain View, CA,says:
- "I moved from Wolcott NY, and also like the seasons, the autumn
is my favorite time, I recall the smell of autumn leaves, and the smell
of apples on a sunny afternoon, listing to the Buffalo Bills game on
the car radio. Lake Ontario is great! I guess we are lucky the rest of
the country has not discovered it yet. P.S. I know Amy D. from
- Happy in UpState NY, says:
- "Wonderful people, quality of life, natural beauty, fresh air,
wonderful smells, four seasons, clean water, relaxed atmosphere, low
cost of living."
- Erin Noreau, a student at SUNY Potsdam, says:
- "What I like about N.Y. is the cool temperatures and the
beautiful fall scenes when the trees change their colors and the snow
in the winter time and when the ice freezes on the trees."
- Joe, a Hydrologist/GIS Analyst from Arizona Dept. of Enviro
Quality, says:
- "I've been in Arizona for three years, coming from the Hudson
Valley. New York is way better than Arizona, the people are friendlier,
the air is cleaner, it's green, and beautiful . . . I'm in the process
of trying to get a job back in NY for all those reasons and more."
- David B. Scruton, a Technical Publications Clerk for the
United States Marine Corps in Cherry Point, North Carolina, says:
- "I am originally from Oswego. I entered the Marine Corps four
years ago and plan on coming back the end of next year. I really miss
being there and it's not just that my family draws me home. When
growing up I could walk the streets and feel safe. I could get a flat
tire and someone would always pull up and offer to help. I have been
all over the world and have met some really nice people. But no matter
where I've gone the people aren't as nice in general. You will always
find a few that are really nice, but in UpState NY it's almost all of
the people. I can't wait to come home and start at SUNY Oswego AUG 97.
To all of you -- My best wishes and I hope to be with you soon."
- Terrie L. Sanders-MacCalus, a freelance writer and
photographer in Beach Haven, New Jersey, says:
- "I grew up in Lake Luzerne, New York. I get home for visits when
I need some real people with real manners. Everyone knows each other
and they care about each other - that small town warmth . . . I wish I
got back more often. I love the mountains, the cool, clear water, the
peace, the walks with God. . . . "
- A farmer from Mena, Arizona, says:
- "I grew up in Wappinger Falls, New York . . .really enjoy the
town, the people, and pretty much every thing. . . ."
- Colleen Baird, an Administrative Assistant from Beaufort,
South Carolina, originally from Oneida, New York, says:
- "Although I thoroughly enjoy living in sunny South Carolina, the
thing I miss most about Upstate New York is the change of seasons. I
miss seeing the fall leaves and the first snowfall. That is something
that I definitely have not experienced living in South Carolina for the
past year. I grew up in Oneida, NY and I couldn't have asked for a
better place to be raised."
- Darlene, a resident of Kansas, native of New York, says:
- "I joined the Air Force after graduating high school in Fulton,
NY and have been at a few different places. None of them can compare to
UpState New York. The Adirondack mountains are beautiful and the lakes
are great. My family is still in Fulton, so I try to get back home as
often as I can to see them and get a fish sandwich at Mr. Mike's. It's
the best. Can't wait to get back home!"
- Don Waters, an Air Force Sergeant in Goldsboro, North
Carolina, says:
- "I have been in the military since 1986 and have traveled all
over the world in that time. I am currently stationed in North Carolina
and miss UpState New York mostly because of the friendly people and
laid back life. I love New York!"
- Jennifer S. from Tamarac, Florida, says:
- "I used to live in UpState New York in Schoharie. I lived there
for 15 years. What I love about New York is the great people, the
mountains, the leaves changing in the fall, the snow best of all. . . .
I miss New York a lot!"
- A High School Student in Potsdam, New York, says:
- "I live in Potsdam, New York, and I really like the colleges
available (Clarkson, SUNY Colleges, SLU). It will give me a head start
in my life when I graduate high school!"
- Mike, a restaurant cook from Marco, Florida, says:
- "I vacation a couple of weeks each summer in a cabin near Lake
George. I love the quaint little towns, beautiful scenery, the piney
mountain air, and cruising the back roads with my windows down. Please
don't encourage any more visitors UpState. Keep New York Unique!"
- Pete from Swindon, Wilts, England, an analyst/programmer for a
Social Science Research company, says:
- "Different to NY itself - and VERY different to UK! The Finger
Lakes are particularly scenic - Canandaigua Lake and Keuka Lake have
excellent amenities (I recommend the "Canandaigua Lady" paddle-steamer
excursion which runs every Sunday...good steaks!). I stayed in
Rochester for 2 weeks in July, visiting my girlfriend. It is an
excellent base to explore the region - Niagara Falls only an hour away,
Buffalo and Syracuse close by as well. Not forgetting the walks along
the beach of Lake Ontario - especially when you can share a frozen
yogurt from Abbott's with someone special"
- Chris C., a graphic designer from Merritt Island, Florida
- "Cool summers, even light snow . . . change of seasons . . . most
of my friends and family . . . "
- Jim of Taco Bell Corp. in Southern California, says:
- "It sure is nice to see a little bit of home from 3,000 miles
away. I grew up in Little Falls, NY on the Mohawk River. There is
nothing nicer than taking a drive up Route 8 in the Adirondacks to see
the fall foliage. I now work for Taco Bell world headquarters and don't
get a chance to get home as often anymore, but it is nice to see that
Upstate New York is easily accessible at my desk whenever I get a
little homesick!! I would like to say 'hi' to Chip, Big Nick, and all
the old "Mounties" that I haven't seen in some time!!!"
- John in Albany, a Public Relations Assistant, says:
- "Contrary to popular north of White Plains exists!
Being raised in Houston was probably one of the best moves my parents
could make! Now, I can fully appreciate the spectacular beauty that
makes Upstate NY THE most beautiful area in the country. Living in the
Capital District provides us with the best of both urban and rural
life. Where else in the country can you be within 4 hours of three
cosmopolitan cities? (Boston, NYC, Montreal) The city of Albany,
nestled between the Berkshire Mountains and the Heldeberg Mountains is
the ideal city to raise a family. Please come Upstate and experience
what others have known for years! You'll never go back!"
- Bill W., a News Anchor/Producer in the TV Broadcasting
industry, says:
- "We have the most beautiful area in the nation. Our backyard (the
Adirondacks) is the playground of Kings. The verdant hills and crystal
waters are sought by those who only wish it could be like this. Who
would want to leave? . . . and . . . WHY?"
- Jim L., a custodian in the Gloversville School District,
- "Well my favorite part is going up to the Adirondacks to hike and
camp out. I just like the wilderness here."
- Susan S., a development professional in the athletic dept. of
a major university, says:
- "Just a few things I visualize when daydreaming about Upstate New
York.......Camping on the islands of Lake George, swimming in cool
clear water underneath robin's egg blue skies, lying on a warm
rock,.... I grew up in Saratoga, NY and I currently live in D.C./VA
area now - (What am I doing here?) - moving back to New York seems to
be a pipe dream!"
- Kathy B., a buyer in the purchasing dept. at the University of
Nebraska, says:
- "I am PROUD to be from UpState New York! It is by far one of the
most beautiful areas in the country... And a well-kept secret from the
US population living west of the Missouri. True, most people out here
think I'm from NYC when they hear "New York." But I just tell them to
LOOK AT A MAP... IT'S A WHOLE STATE. And if they tell you there's too
many people there, say THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL AREA. (I
also add that UpState New York has about 100% more tree cover than
This homepage is a great idea! Next you should go after the NEA gang,
and attempt to educate the educators across the country who are stuck
in the NYC mindset. I LOVE UPSTATE NEW YORK!"
- Michael, a 7th grade student from Bay Shore Middle School,
- "I like UpState NY because I love the wilderness. It is a great
place to be when you do not want to be around a crowd of people. When I
go there to visit my Grandparents, I always have a fire going with
marshmallows toasting above the flames. I find it very relaxing when I
go there. I recommend anybody to go and visit UpState NY. It can be the
best place that you can ever go. I love it. It is sure enough my
favorite place to be."
- Thanks for visiting, and please stop by again!

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