Tell Us What You Like
About UpState New York!
Earlier Submittals (#5)
The comments below are some of the "earlier" comments
submitted to our UpState New York home page. We have just moved them
from the front page to make room for more submissions. If you have a
short essay you would like us to publish, please take a few minutes to
fill out our What I Like about
UpState New York form.
- Mark from Indiana says:
- "I can't believe how much I miss New York!!! I have lived in
NYC, Kingston (a small town on the Hudson River), and spent ten years
in Buffalo. I now live in Bloomington, Indiana. I have visited many
places across the U.S. but nothing compares to the history, diversity,
and beauty of New York State. Not a day goes by that I don't think
about one of the following:
- - hiking in the Niagara Gorge (awe-inspiring views)
- - sailing on Lake Erie on a perfect summer night
- - having a picnic on the shores of Lake Ontario
- - viewing the world-class architecture of downtown Buffalo
- - wine tasting tours in the finger lake region
- - baseball games at Yankee stadium
- - cutting down a Christmas tree on a perfect snowy December day
- - traditional NYC trip the day after thanksgiving (museums,
plays, etc.)
- - Letchworth state park(the grand canyon of the east)
- - the Adirondacks, Catskills, Hudson Valley (so much to do and
- I could go on forever but I have to stop I'm getting too home
sick. See you all back in New York State someday!"
- Michael - From Central NY now in New Mexico says:
- "I was happy to read all about the people who have visited the
upstate NY area and enjoyed their stay. As well as those who have left
and long to return to the refreshing atmosphere of the life of rural
NY. I went to college in Florida and because of the job search, I have
lived in Danbury,CT, Philadelphia, PA, Jacksonville, FL and now
Farmington, NM. I have traveled extensively all over this country, but,
like famous line says, "there is no place like home." I grew up in the
small town of Vernon, about 15 miles from the geographic center of New
York State. Exit 33 off of the NYS Thruway - Verona, NY. The home of
Vernon Downs Harness Racing and the new Turning Stone Casino in Verona.
I've been high in the Adirondacks, seen the Falls in Niagara, Boldt
Castle in the 1000 Islands, Howe Caverns near Cobleskill, "The Dome" at
S.U., Saratoga Race Track, The Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown,
the Oneida Silversmiths Co.(which by the way is mostly in Sherrill, NY)
and many more places. The "I Love NY" ads say it all because NY has it
all. The upstate area has a history all its own. Visit Fort Stanwix in
Rome or Fort Ticonderoga in Ticonderoga. What about the history of the
Erie Canal? When I am away, I miss home. My family still lives in the
Central NY area. I visit when I can. I used to vacation up on 7th lake
in the Adirondacks every year for Memorial Day Weekend with my friends.
From what I have said and what others have said, New York really is a
great place to live. And Billy Joel sings it best when he says "I'm in
a New York state of mind". If you are looking for a vacation area, try
visiting some of the places that I have mentioned. You won't be
disappointed. And remember, "I Love NY" is not just a bumper sticker,
its how the locals feel."
- Mike Miller, formerly of Johnstown, NY now living in Ocala, FL
- "The Adirondacks, its mountains and lakes, the snow, the fall
colors, the cool starry nights in August. I grew up there and graduated
from Johnstown High School in 1975 - after that I left and have now
been in Florida since 1986. I still go back about twice a year, once to
catch some Lake Trout and cycle the twisting ribbons of Adirondack
highways; and another time in February to ski at Gore Mt. I miss the
good educational system that NY offers. I miss the small town aura that
Johnstown maintains even to this day. I look forward to 2/18/98 the
next time that big silver bird will touch down in Albany with me on
it.... ready to hit the slopes.
- Chip from Alabama says:
- "I was born and reared in Alabama where I still reside, but my
mother was born in Upstate NY. My father, who was born in Alabama, met
her while stationed at Plattsburgh Air Force Base in 1960. My mother
was born in Potsdam, NY. As a child, we would visit my mother's parents
every year or so at their home in the small village of Bloomingdale
nestled in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. I was always amazed at
how crystal-clear the brooks and streams were. Once, I went fishing
with my father and uncle in the Saranac River, and I was astonished
that I could actually see the smallmouth bass take my lure! We would
visit Whiteface Mountain, Santa Claus Land, 1,000 Animals, etc. My two
sisters and I always loved visiting. My grandpa died in 1974, and
grandma passed away in 1988. We don't visit as often, but we'll go back
again someday. I still have some relatives who live in Saranac Lake.
Believe me, it's beautiful up there!"
- Joe, Potsdam Sandstoner forever says:
- "I was lucky enough to have spent the first 18 years of my life
in Potsdam. As an 18 year old kid, I could not wait to leave this
place. Went to College in Missouri. Joined the Navy and have spent the
last 12 years living in Virginia, Maine, California, and The
Netherlands. I have traveled around the United States and the World.
When I am asked what my childhood was like. I tell them, "I had a
Norman Rockwell childhood". I have found there is no better place in
the world to live than Upstate NY. Camping at Higley Flow, Skiing at
Placid, watching the U.S.A beat Russia in the Olympics, going to
Cornwall for concerts and Beer, swimming at Postwood Park, watching
Clarkson Hockey, Potsdam State Basketball, ice sculptures, your first
girlfriend, going roller skating, watching the college girls lying in
the sun outside their dorms, Carrying Taco's car from the parking lot
to the middle of the tennis courts, eating Frank's pizza, Pop Warner
Football, the colors Orange and Blue, the church on the island, jumping
from the dam when you're not suppose to, Saturday mornings in the fall,
Sunday evenings in the winter, the air so cold; its warm!, a school
system that you can call your teachers your friends (even Pistol Pete),
and above all the friends you do all these things with last a life
time. Gizzmo, Batman, Grunge, Starky, Seadog, E, Randy and Mike. 8 more
years in the Navy and I'll be HOME. "
- Dean Averell, a Service Tech. in Rochester, NY says:
- "I was born in Cooperstown, the 5th of 7 kids, and went to
school in Little Falls. I grew up on a farm with 150 acres of woods to
play and grow up in. I left for 6 years in the Marines and 4 more
living in CA. I saw many sights around the world and did many exciting
things, yet always returning for the warmth and comfort of the valley.
So when a job came up with the opportunity to come back to NY I took it
and have been living for 2 yrs. in Rochester and will be moving to
Saranac Lake in the spring. My family has already said that I will need
a big place as I can expect a lot of visitors. I am so glad to be back
among the real people who know what family and friends are all about.
Any other Little Fallsians can Email me"
- Jen, a Training Coordinator from Washington, NJ says:
- "Upstate NY was my home for 21 out of my almost 23 years of
life, and I love it! I grew up in West Seneca, a town near Buffalo,
camped in the Adirondacks every year, and went to school at SUNY
Potsdam. Upstate NY is a friendly, beautiful area of the state, and so
much more than people down here in NJ commonly realize. Cultural and
natural attractions abound - museums, wineries, parks - you name it,
and it's there. SO, what do I like about Upstate NY? It's my home, my
family, my roots. I was born, raised, schooled, and married there, and
I go back every year. Best of all, it's not that far away! Favorite
places: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Genesee Country Village, The
Hillside Inn in Wyoming, Potsdam, Raquette Lake...
- Upstate NY, I miss you!"
- Bob O'Brien, an A-V Technician from Tucson, Arizona says:
- "Upstate New York is a slice of America's apple pie! I grew up
in Norwood, NY, just north of Potsdam. I miss the great summers filled
with jumping off the train trestle in to the river, Swimming at the
beach, getting into "trouble" as a teenager. Cottage St., Baldwin Ave.,
Cemetery Rd. This is where memories are made. In the late 80's nothing
beat high school dances on the same floor where a group of underdogs
beat "Big Time" Potsdam time and time again in front of a sell-out
crowd. Upstate New York is Awesome!!"
- "Yes- You can go home again!", from La Mirada, California
- "I grew up in upstate New York and hadn't been there since
1964. Since all things change, I guess I was really apprehensive about
going back. First, in 1995, for a few days, then again, in September of
this year (1997). I found the area to be basically unchanged, the
people as I had remembered and the trips so memorable that words alone
could not express. Having seen a good deal of the country and the world
in my life, I find it wonderful that a small slice can remain
unspoiled. My only hope is that it forever remains that way."
- Lori Locke ( says:
- "I live in Canton (a native of Brasher Falls). I used to move
out of the area thinking I was missing something. Tried Dallas, tried
Florida. Always came back. I LOVE THE NORTH COUNTRY! Our winters are a
little long, but hey, you can't have everything! Lois Langtry of
Ogdensburg wrote a great piece of prose called Northern New York that
says it all . . . the last line being . . "Forget I told you about its
wonders . . Keep thinking nothing exists above Albany. If anybody would
like a copy, I'll send them one. Lori"
- Cynthia in the South says:
- "I was born and raised in Glens Falls, NY. I didn't realize how
much I'd miss it until I was away for a whole year! I miss Lake George,
one of the most beautiful lakes anywhere, and the best place to boat,
swim, hike, canoe, camp, anything you want to do in a summer! UpState
is the best place to be in the fall. Only the North Country has such
beautiful colors, and deep blue skies. I've spent fall in the blue
ridge mountains, where everyone said it was just "breathtaking", but it
was nothing compared to what I grew up with every year! Blue skies and
lakes, and leaves colors unlike anywhere else. The people are friendly
and down to earth. I've been to England, France, Spain, countless
places around the U.S., and I'll be studying abroad for a year in
Spain. But I will always come back to New York! No matter what people
say, it's the best place on earth to live!"
- says:
- "I was a Watertown-ian (last resided there-1956. Currently, I
live in Bellmawr, NJ). I became mesmerized reading all those 'upstate'
highlights. Oh, how I miss that area and all of its amenities. Some of
my favorites: warm summer days with cool breezes without 'humidity' -
the 'Pace-of-Living' (Upstate New Yorkers actually take the time to
live rather than just accelerate through life until its all gone) -
'Caring' (There is substance in 'How are ya?') - Clean, clear, crisp
air - The two-lane serpentine roads (both horizontal, warning provided
by squiggley road signs, and vertical, no warning provided) where you
drive over the edge of the horizon and suddenly feel your stomach
nestled next to your tonsils.) - McIntosh apples (the New York versions
explode when you bite into them), Maple syrup (we tapped our own trees
- just 3 or 4), 'Crogan bologna,' and 'Burville' cider. And, oh yes
'The Fall Colors' that paralyze the eye and quite the mind. Even the
Watertown winters have there own special qualities: namely, they are
about 47 snow-shoveling jobs long. A favorite chore of mine was
shoveling off the flat porch roofs because then I got to jump off them
into monstrous snow piles. Ice skating on the ponds in the area
involved a daily ritual: 'Shovel then Skate.' Great fun tho. --- And it
was great fun reminiscing about my old stomping grounds. Thanks again
to all the other contributors for sharing your 'Upstate' impressions. I
swallowed them like a needed tonic."
- "My heart is still in New York", an Operations Manager &
Security Officer from Fredericksburg, VA, says:
- "I have to agree with the majority of people I have just read
about who miss Upstate New York as much as I do. I was born and raised
in Utica/New Hartford, NY until 7th grade, then my parents moved us to
Remsen, NY - a little 'ole Welsh town with the friendliest people you
ever want to meet. I miss those friendly people - the people that
always make you feel like you are "home". My husband moved me to
Virginia back in 1984, reluctantly leaving my loving family of 3
brothers and a sister, and parents back in Remsen. I drove home every
chance I could; sometimes depending on events, I would make the 8-1/2
hr drive in two consecutive weekends. I have lived in Virginia and
raised my two sons here; but my heart will always be back "home" where
it belongs. I miss those cool nights in the summer, the most beautiful
fall leaves I have ever seen, the dry cold winters that doesn't send a
chill right through you, the small lakes to boat, swim and fish in
(that are clean!) and even the local pubs that you could stop in and
visit after a long hard week at work and visit with "friends". Virginia
has never treated me like I belong; I guess I never will. No matter
where I go or what I do, my HEART is in New York !!
- I miss it so !!"
- Rebecca in San Jose, CA, says:
- "Living in the heart of the Silicon Valley, I often long for the
quiet, easy pace of Upstate New York (not to mention the clean air). I
grew up near Ogdensburg, NY, and spent many summers enjoying the St.
Lawrence River. My father was born in Hammond, NY, lived in Upstate all
his life, and he sang the praises of the area everywhere he went! He
loved the beauty of the Thousand Islands, the Adirondacks, and the
Finger Lakes, and he appreciated the sense of community and friendly
people. I am continuing his efforts to educate the rest of the country
-- there's more to New York and NYC!"
- Debbie from San Diego, CA says:
- "I have lived in San Diego for almost 10 years, however, I do
miss upstate New York. I grew up in Lowville, (up by Watertown). When I
get a chance to visit, I go! Although I don't miss the blowing and
drifting snow! The people there are so friendly and I always feel safe
when I visit. The grass is so green and the trees are so beautiful. For
anyone who hasn't been in San Diego, you don't get much land with your
house (especially when I am used to growing up in the farming country),
its a little bit of a culture shock! Upstate New York is by far the
- Jon, from Watertown, NY says:
- "I love the Can-Am speedway up in LaFargeville NY and wouldn't
move even if someone would put a gun to my head. I love the biccums,
and the self families who have been so nice to me!!Most of all, I love
Mythina Brockington, the love of my life, who broke my heart in Upstate
- Michael Marcus, from Phoenix, Arizona says:
- "Growing up in DeWitt, I remember large snow drifts on the side
of our street. All the neighborhood kids used to have snowball fights
and go sledding. Now living in the Arizona desert, I often miss the
days of life in suburban, UpState New York. I do not miss shoveling,
- An Indiana College Professor from Gary, Indiana says:
- "I grew up in UpState NY (Cortland)and went to college at Alfred
University. I visit when I can. It is a beautiful part of the country.
I particularly enjoy southwestern New York State. The hills around
Alfred, New York and throughout Allegheny and Steuben counties are
- Ami J, a Database Informations Administrator from Dallas, Texas
- "I was born in Hudson, NY in 1974. I frequently moved as a child
and I returned to the Hudson area when I was entering 6th grade. I
remained there till I graduated from Cairo-Durham High in 1993. After
graduation I moved to Texas and am currently in Dallas. No matter how
long I live in Texas I still can not erase the beauty of UpState New
York. The way each season comes alive there. From the powder snow of
winter, to tulips in spring and rainy summer days leading to the
vibrant colors of fall. I miss it so much. My family is there and when
I visit I always make certain I have time to just wander alone. From a
field behind my fathers farm house I can see a perfect view of the
Catskill Mountains. And one of my most favorite spots on this earth is
atop the hill at Olana. Its as though you can see forever when looking
down upon the Hudson River from there. I could name a thousand and one
places that make me misty eyed back in my New York. Since it would take
all day, I will tell you this last thing and leave it at that. No
matter how far I travel. No matter where I am. I will always hear New
York calling me, welcoming me, back into her arms. Back to a land so
close to Eden. For now I am away from her, and remain a resident Yankee
in Texas."
- Unknown, from Potsdam New York, says:
- "I have lived in Washington DC for over three years and long for
the solitude of the Adirondacks on a regular basis. My family has a
camp on Lake Ozonia where I try to go once a year for fishing, water
skiing, or just sitting on the dock on a cold starry night in August.
It is so funny to see that there are many people that have moved away
but feel the same way that I do. I was actually looking for a job back
in New England when I came across this page. It made me feel better -
- Rob, a Real Estate Manager now living in S.F. Bay area, says:
- "I spent ten years of my life growing up in Fairport, N.Y. (from
3 to 13) and moved away in 1969. Though I now live in beautiful
Sausalito, CA (just north of San Francisco over the Golden Gate
Bridge), I look back at my time in upstate New York as one of the best
in my life. Fairport was a wonderful place to grow up. It is a
beautiful town along the old Erie (Barge) canal. I remember all of the
times spent outdoors playing in the many fields and woods in the area.
Riding my bike with my friends along the canal towpath to Bushnells
Basin to the drugstore for comic books, candy and a coke, was one of my
favorite summer pastimes! Winter sledding and skating bring back such
fond memories. It has been many years since I have been back, but look
forward to visiting in the future to again experience the beauty of the
region and to be able to show my wife the very special place of my
childhood memories."
- Rev. Helen, now in Campbell, Ca. says:
- "I lived in Altamont and Schenectady in upstate NY until 1956
when my parents moved to the SF area in Ca. I miss the mountains,
Friends Lake, Guilderland Central High, cross country skiing to my
grandmother's between Albany and Schenectady, and all the wonderful
relatives I had there then. They are all gone but my memories will live
forever. There is no place better than the Catskills for autumn fall
colors or the peaceful call of the lake region or finding a bunch of
friends to go sledding with. I'm sure it has all changed but in my mind
it will always be the most peaceful, wonderful place for a child to
grow up. One of these days I will retire and take time to visit again
and find an old friend or two in Altamont."
- "Fond Memories" from Stuart, Florida says:
- "I was born and raised in Canajoharie NY, which is West of
Albany, and East of Utica, right on the Mohawk River. Growing up in
such history rich environment is overwhelming. Everywhere you dig you
find fossils from the prehistoric days, or arrowheads from the famous
battles of the Revolutionary War years. My senior prom was held at Fort
Rensalear, where President Washington stayed. Our town is famous also
for making Beech-Nut gum, baby food, and related products. I live in
Florida now, and just made my first trip back after 25 years. My how
things change....The things that I miss most is the changing of the
seasons with the leaves turning color; snowmobile racing at Boonville,
NY; and snowball fights.....The mountains were like you were in Heaven
being so high in the Adirondacks..When I graduated high school, and
left for the Navy, I left part of me there. Now my home is in the south
were hurricanes and tropical storms are our biggest fear.....The Good
Lord was sure happy when he created Canajoharie....By the way
Canajoharie means" the pot that washes itself" in Mohawk
- Marilee, from Loveland, Colorado says:
- "Hi from the west! You can take the girl out of the east, but you
can't take the east out of the girl! I was raised in Hilton, New York
on Lake Ontario and now live in Loveland, Colorado! My parents have a
camp in Osceola, New York and that is one place I can always go to
recharge and get back to the basics of who I am! I moved away after
graduating from High School in 1981, got married and lived in
Mississippi for 6 years! A great change from upstate New York! I went
to school and came back to the Rochester area for job interviews and in
1989 me, my husband and 2 children moved back to New York State. We
ended up moving to Canton, New York with my job and were very happy
there for almost 6 years! Canton is the best place to raise your
children! A great community! The country up there is absolutely
beautiful! My job once again moved us, only this time 2000 miles west
to Colorado! I miss the east terribly and can't wait to go back and
visit! My favorite time of year is Autumn and I will miss all the
changing of the leaves! In Colorado they only have the aspen that
changes to a beautiful golden color. I look forward to that, but the
fall colors in Upstate New York are unbeatable! I also love Wolcott,
New York. My grandparents and a lot of relatives are there and I love
going back to visit them. I am enjoying the west immensely, but it is
not Upstate New York. I have many fond memories of New York state and
plan to make a lot more memories of my time in Colorado!"
- Laurie Beck from Atlanta, Georgia says:
- "Hello! I just happened upon your page, and I had to write. I
grew up in Cambridge, NY. I have since moved about, landing in Atlanta,
GA. It's funny how many people I've met here that are from NY! My folks
own a farmhouse, and everything was so big; big house, big yard, big
barns. Strange, I remember when I was a teenager thinking I couldn't
wait to get away from NY. Now, after living away for 13 years, I so
appreciate the countryside, the space, and the beauty of UpState. Why
is it that down here, when you tell someone that your from NY, they
automatically assume it's the City? My standard response is, "Contrary
to popular belief,
- there's a whole state connected to NYC!" The first time I took my
husband to Cambridge, I warned him that it was in the country. (He's
from Pascagoula, MS.) I don't think he believed me. He was, however,
truly amazed at the small towns and field after field of cows and corn.
No matter how far away I get, UpState will always have a special place
in my heart.
No Cows In Atlanta - Laurie Beck"
- John E. Booth, an Airfield Management Craftsman from Kadena
AB, in Okinawa, Japan says:
- "I had the pleasure of visiting Ilion again just recently on
leave. I got to meet the famous Mr. Bob Woods (and Mrs. Ford), both of
whom were gracious enough to set aside their personal time to allow me
and wife a tour of their facility (in New Hartford). Of course, I made
a bee line for Great American in Herkimer, and bought my first
priority, Cheese Curds, New York Maple Sugar Candy, and, real New York
Apple Cider. I also, of course, went straight to Sangertown Mall, and
the Carousel Mall in Syracuse. Let's not forget the crystal clear, fast
flowing, cooold West Canada Creek. I always miss the view of the valley
from my parents house. There's just nothing like a cool summer evening
in the valley, looking for miles at the farmland, the NYS Thruway in
the distance, and the forest all round. I even miss seeing Remington
Arms sometimes. One should take a tour of their museum, if ever in
Ilion. Very nice! And, I visited Inlet, and White Lake. Went to
Watertown, visited Fort Drum, and my wife, who HATES snow, actually saw
a house she wants to buy there (things are looking up!). Any way, many
thanks to Mr Woods, and Associates for their Upstate NY page. Nothing
like having a piece of home on the web."
- Thanks for the complements, John! -We hope you stop by again!
- Bob Wood
- Navy Chief Petty Officer Tim French in Virginia Beach, VA, says:
- "I grew up in the great UpState attending Hudson Falls and South
Glens Falls district schools. Graduated from South Glens Falls Senior
High School in 1979. My wife Karen is a South Glens Falls Senior High
Graduate. Both of our families still reside in the UpState area. I have
been stationed on both coasts of this great country of ours but nothing
compares to the changing of the leaves each fall back home. I have a
deep appreciation for the Glens Falls area, as it has just the right
amount of hustle and bustle unlike Virginia Beach, Virginia where I am
currently stationed with my wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters.
Since sailing through every sea on earth, and visiting so many exotic
ports that people would give their right arm to visit, believe me, Lake
George is still the best water, to sail on and water ski. Take in its
beauty and enjoy!!!!!"
- Cindy from Potsdam, NY -- relocated to North Canton, Ohio,
- "I was born and raised in Potsdam, New York -- attended college
at Rochester Institute of Technology and thought I would always remain
in New York, but somehow accepted a position in 1992 in North Canton,
Ohio -- home of the Football Hall of Fame. Much of my family still
resides in Potsdam and I now visit just twice a year but it's always so
nice to make a trip to Saranac Lake and Lake Placid -- it truly is
gorgeous country up there! I worked in Manhattan for a while and even
our fellow New York Statians think that UpState New York is White
Plains . . . little do they realize what they are missing! When I tell
people where Potsdam is they immediately think that it snows year
around! UpState New York is a wonderful place to raise a family --
perhaps I will venture back to the area to reside in the future!"
-, says:
- "I LOVE ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY, NY! I'm from PA at the moment but my
husband and myself will be moving to UpState NY in the next 2 years.
There's so much to love about the area . . . beautiful scenery,
friendly people, dirt roads, lakes, St. Lawrence River, wildlife,
plenty of peace and quiet, etc. I call it home now, I feel it in my
blood. I visit on a monthly basis as my dad lives at Black Lake (great
fishing) and I love to walk out the back roads. The one route that I
walk is about an 8 mile loop and it never fails that as I'm walking the
road someone will drive by and stop to see if I need a ride. (I
certainly wouldn't get that treatment in PA). Even people driving past
you as you're driving, wave hello. I was so excited to see this page
and it's great to read when I'm homesick. It feels good to share this
with others who feel the same. I'm thrilled to be a future UPSTATER!"
- Jamie, a 7th Grader from Johnstown, NY, says:
- "I love UpState NY. I love how the people are so home-townish. I
love that our education system is so great. You have the choice to
learn how to do extra activities, such as play an instrument. I play
the trumpet and LOVE it. I love the way that I can go somewhere alone
and not have to fear for my life. It's awesome!"
- Jean C. a Native New Yorker living in the Philadelphia, PA
area, says:
- "My family has been visiting the Adirondacks for summer vacations
since my Grandfather was a child. My parents finally bought a log cabin
in the Old Forge area in the late 70's. My brother loved the area so
much he moved from Long Island to the Utica area after he got married.
I have to go up and visit at least once every two years or so to our
place and drink in that incredible clean air that makes you sleep like
a bear at night, see the stars at night that light up like a
planetarium (trust me . . . you have never seen the stars this
clearly), see the incredible mountain views from our dock, see the
Black Bear in the area and explore new places that are still yet to
see. If you haven't visited, find a way to get there before you die, it
is an experience unlike any other."
- Lansingburgh Lady from East Hartford, CT, says:
- "Born and raised in Troy, New York-Lansingburgh section, I spent
many of my best years fishing, swimming and camping in the Lake George
and Lake Luzerne area. Loved it. Great place to spend every season,
young or old, but especially as a child. Visiting the former Storytown,
now Great Escape and Santa's Workshop, North Pole, NY were two of my
favorite childhood vacation spots. Now I find myself living in
Connecticut for almost 9 years and going back to New York to visit and
bringing my children to these places and scheduling trips to Catskill
Game Farm and Howe Caverns, places I took for granted when I lived in
New York. Those who haven't been to New York, at least the Adirondacks,
do not know what they are missing."
- Aimee Kay (one of our favorite repeat visitors!) living in
Maitland, Florida, says:
- "Well, here I am again. Just got back from another trip to
Wolcott, NY. The sun was shining, the trees were green, the tulips and
wild flowers were in bloom. Oh, the air was so fresh and clean. I love
UpState NY. Drove over Irondiquot Bay Bridge and longed to be on one of
the sailboats. Picked up my Hoffman Hots and Extra sharp Heluva Good
Cheese for my trip back to Orlando."
- A former resident for three years, now in Cranbury, NJ, says:
- "I like the friendly people, the pretty countryside, the slower
pace of UpState NY. Since moving away, due to job availability, my wife
and I visit quite often. In the three years we lived here we made life
long friends. One visit a year is dedicated to the greatest state fair
ever put together. Some of the happiest times of our lives have been
spent in Syracuse (Liverpool), NY."
- Average Everyday Guy -- No Frills living in Euclid, Ohio,
- "I was introduced to UpState New York at a very young age. I was
about 13 when I made my first trip with my family to the Old Forge
area. In fact we were staying at a camp (large log cabin) at Seventh
Lake outside of Inlet, NY. I find the entire UpState area very relaxing
and educational every time I come into this area. When I got married we
took our honeymoon at Fourth Lake at a hotel named Rocky Point Inn,
which by the way is no longer there. The powers that be decided to
build condos. Anyhow, the UpState area still calls, as we will be
coming up to Old Forge, Thendara, and inlet this coming August."

These pages produced and maintained by R. A. Wood Associates. Copyright
© 1996-2004 by R. A. Wood Associates.