UpState New York Weather Forecasts

Latest Update: 7/20/97 (Bad links have been fixed!)

We have added some interesting links to UpState New York weather forecasts:

USA Today 5 Day Forecasts
Contains a 5 day pictogram plus a brief summary of the next five days. Loads up fairly quickly.[smiley face]
WebWeather for Utica
WebWeather is a system which provides fast and easy-to-use access to reformatted weather data from the University of Michigan Weather Underground.
An Up-to-Date Satellite Photo of the Northeastern United States
Shows large-area cloud cover information- you could probably make your own prediction from this one :-)
Regional Weather Radar Snapshot
Shows precipitation in Northeastern United States (snow, rain, or mixtures of them)
Marine Forecast for the Great Lakes
We had some requests for wind and wave height information for Lake Ontario. So this if for the boaters, fishermen and fisherwomen who come up to Lake Ontario to enjoy that part of UpState New York. These forecasts are issued by Environment Canada from the National Weather Centre in Toronto, and covers the next 24 hour period.
Lake Erie, Lake Ontario Nearshore Marine Forecast - National Weather Service - Buffalo, NY
This forecast is similar to the one above, but contains nearshore forecasts for marine weather within 5 miles of the shore of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario - covers from Buffalo to the St. Lawrence.
more to come ...

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